[[sectionname]] नाम विवरण
URL Syllabus

syllabus for our course.

You can download a copy in pdf or other formats, or print using the file menu, if you want.

URL Course Videos Playlist

on youtube

Week 1: Getting Setup & Job Interview Page Week 1 Instructions

Week 1 instructions

URL Week 1 Video 1: Welcome to Class

welcome video, going over syllabus

URL Week 1 Video 2: Job Interview Questionnaire

how to do the job interview questionnaire in moodle

File pdf copy of the job interview

copy you can save if you want for future job interviews

URL How People Learn: 3 Key Findings

The How People Learn book can be read online for free, just google "how people learn" or follow the links from this highlighted section about the 3 key findings from research on learning and instruction.

URL How People Learn book

full text of book online

URL Instructional Design Models

Note the 'modern' and 'postmodern' distinction.  Most people don't use those terms, but we'll be focusing more on what Martin Ryder puts in the 'postmodern' category, such as problem-based learning.

URL EduTech Wiki

A great resources with pages on instructional design theories, models, and technologies.

URL Places to find edtech / instructional design jobs

A meta-listing of job boards

Week 2: Beginning Moodle Projects Page Week 2 Instructions

instructions for week 2

URL Week 2 Video 1: Getting started with your moodle project

Info on setting up your own moodle space, and thinking about a topic for your moodle project.

URL Week 2 Video 2: Reviewing the job interview

going back over answers to some of the job interview questions

See also the pdf copy of the job interview

URL Request your own moodle space

Link to form for requesting your own personal moodle space.

URL Post to your moodle blog

This is the link (also in the top left sidebar) for creating a blog entry on this moodle site.

You'll be using your blog a lot to plan and keep track of your moodle project.

URL Getting started with moodle for teachers

Some things may be slightly different since we are using the brand new version 2.0 of moodle.

URL Moodle Teacher Documentation

official docs for teachers

URL Teaching and Learning with Moodle Course

A moodle course about moodle

May require free registration

URL List of common misconceptions

List from wikipedia

URL Misconceptions in science

Science education is where there is a huge amount of research into misconceptions.

Email me if there is some science or related topic that interests you, and I can help find examples of misconceptions if you like.

URL FACETS database

Another list of scientific misconceptions or phenomenological primitives

URL Potential misconceptions about learning and technology

misconceptions about online learning and so forth

URL Misconceptions about design

misconceptions about design, generally

URL How Much Do College Students Learn, and Study?

article about a recently publicized study & book about student learning in colleges

URL 50 Examples of the Need to Improve College Teaching

some examples of the problem of poor teaching & learning practices in colleges

URL Utah Education Network sued over LMS contract award

Desire2Learn (LMS vendor) sues the Utah Education Network (UEN) over its awarding of its new LMS contract to Utah-based Instructure.

see the original story in the SLC newspaper:


URL How Students Develop Online Learning Skills

how to make the most of online learning

Week 3: Constructivist Instructional Design Page Week 3 Instructions

see below

File Objectivist vs Constructivist Design

Read at least the table at the beginning.

You'll have to rotate it in your pdf viewer.

URL Applying ISD to Constructivist Learning Environments

You need to scroll up to the top of the article.  For some reason it automatically scrolls down halfway when you link there.

File Designing constructivist learning environments

by Jonassen

You'll need to rotate the pages in your pdf reader (try right clicking or using toolbar), or else print it out.

File The impact of constructivism on ID fundamentals

by Brent Wilson and others

This pdf also needs to be rotated.

File Skiing as a Model of Instruction

Old but neat little paper making an analogy between skiing and designing constructivist learning environments.

Thought being in Utah, some of us might find it interesting :)

URL Minds of Our Own (video)

highly recommended video

See the opening examples, like making a bulb light, or where do trees get their mass from.

And notice the students have to be guided to discover things for themselves (constructivism) in order to really believe them.

See also the older video: A Private Universe.  There's a link to it in the sidebar of the page.

URL Constructivism and technology use

If you are off campus you'll need to use the vpn (virtual private network) software to access the full text of journal articles:  http://library.usu.edu/elecres/off_campus.php


This study used two surveys, the Activities of Instruction 2.0 (AOI 2.0) and the School Technology Needs Assessment (STNA) to assess the relationship between teachers' level of constructivism and their level of technology use. Results indicate that constructivist practices and beliefs were significant predictors of technology use, after accounting for the contribution of other individual level demographic variables, and school-level environmental factors. Teachers with more constructivist instructional practices were more likely to report using technology; similarly, teachers who believed more strongly that IT was a useful tool for student-centered/constructivist teaching were more likely to use technology.

URL Constructing versus playing an educational game

If you are off campus, use USU's vpn software to access this reading:  http://library.usu.edu/elecres/off_campus.php


In this study the effects of two different interactive learning tasks, in which simple games were included were described with respect to student motivation and deep strategy use. The research involved 235 students from four elementary schools in The Netherlands. One group of students (N=128) constructed their own memory ‘drag and drop’ game, whereas the other group (N=107) played an existing ‘drag and drop’ memory game. Analyses of covariance demonstrated a significant difference between the two conditions both on intrinsic motivation and deep strategy use. The large effect sizes for both motivation and deep strategy use were in favour of the construction condition. The results suggest that constructing a game might be a better way to enhance student motivation and deep learning than playing an existing game. Despite the promising results, the low level of complexity of the games used is a study limitation.

URL Confessions of a converted lecturer (video)

Eric Mazur, author of the book Peer Instruction


URL Moodle philosophy

social constructionist/constructivist

URL A time for telling

summary of a paper by Schwartz & Bransford

URL Scaffolding problem-based & inquiry learning

response to criticism of problem-based learning, which we'll learn more about next week

Week 4: Feedback on Your Moodle Project Topics Page Week 4 Instructions

week 4 instructions

Page Moodle Project Guidelines

guidelines for your moodle project

Week 5: Problem-Based Learning Page Week 5 Instructions

week 5 instructions

Page Converting a Topic into a Problem

how to take a typical 'topic' and make it more constructivist - like a problem-based learning activity, or scenario, or game, etc.

URL Summary of Problem-Based Learning

a summary of pbl

URL Problem-Based Learning Clearinghouse

A long list of resources for learning more about problem-based learning

URL Sample PBL Problems

examples of pbl

URL The Jasper Woodbury Series

Real-world math challenges created by Vanderbilt, led by John Bransford, who led the writing of the How People Learn book, too.

URL First Principles of Instruction

By David Merrill, former professor here at USU (and still an adjunct instructor).

Notice the main thing is that students (or trainees) work on a problem "that may be encountered in a real-world situation".

URL A User's Guide to the Legacy Cycle

The Legacy Cycle is a problem-based instructional design model you can use to organize your moodle module if you wish.

Contact me for more info or examples.

Page Books on a Table

a scenario for helping students understand Newton's third law

URL Rescue at Boone's Meadow

Part of Vanderbilt's Jasper Woodbury series from the 1990s.

URL Why do we need glasses? Legacy Cycle

Uses the Legacy Cycle framework

See A User's Guide to the Legacy Cycle for more info on that.

URL Police Training Scenario

See chapter 1, page 4

p. 34, 47, 67, 93, 113 have other problem-based learning examples

Week 6: Backward Design Page Week 6 Instructions

week 6 instructions

URL Backward Design chapter

chapter from the book Understanding by Design

URL What is backward design

summary of backward design principles

URL The Backward Design Process

a flowchart

URL Backward Design Template

form to fill out when thinking about the design of your courses/lessons

URL What is a big idea?

help for the first stage of backward design

hint: national standards are typically full of the big ideas important in each discipline

URL What is an essential question?

help for the first stage of backward design

URL Six facets of understanding

quick summary

URL Understanding by Design workbook

to see some examples of lessons designed using backward design

NOTE: it starts out with examples that are NOT designed using the backward design approach, so don't copy that :)

Week 7: Assessment Page Week 7 Instructions

notes for this week

URL Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is much more effective at increasing student learning

This paper summarizes research on formative assessment

URL Test-wiseness

Tips for making better quiz questions

URL Knowing What Students Know book

free online book

See the assessment triangle

URL Classroom Assessment Techniques

see the left sidebar

URL More about Classroom Assessment Techniques

another page about CATs

URL Performance Assessments

Performance assessments are better than traditional assessments (like

quizzes) at assessing student understanding.

See this paper for more info on performance assessment.

Use the File menu to download the pdf copy, since it is rotated sideways.

You can right-click it or choose a menu option in your pdf viewer to

rotate it, or just print it out.

You might have students do something and then blog about it or discuss it or so forth, and perhaps use a rubric to evaluate it.

URL Rubistar: Create Rubrics Online

rubric tool

You could just make a table in a moodle page, too

URL Rubric for Teacher Use of Backward Design

sample rubric

URL Rubric Samples for HIgher Education

sample rubrics

Week 8: Designing Effective E-Learning Activities Page Week 8 Instructions

notes for this week

URL Moodle 2.0 Guide for Teachers

illustrated guide to using moodle as a teacher

URL How to save the world with e-learning scenarios

nice presentation about how coming up with realistic scenarios and problems can make for more effective and engaging e-learning

URL 10 ways to yawn-proof your e-learning

another guide with some good tips

URL Student perceptions of instructor-made videos

summary: students like them a lot and they can help make your online course better

URL The Head First formula

The "Head First" series of books are quite popular and effective.

They use a lot of graphics and cognitive principles to help make topics more engaging and make learning from these books more effective.

URL Special Issue on e3-learning: effective, efficient, and engaging

Special issue on E3 learning.

You'd need to use the VPN software ( http://library.usu.edu/elecres/off_campus.php) if you want to access the full text of the articles, or you can just skim the abstracts without accessing the full text.

Week 10: Learning Activities & Multimedia for your Moodle Project URL Screencast-o-Matic

free site to make video screencasts and upload them directly to youtube (or download them in whatever format you want).  Works in the browser (using java).

See the demo video on the site for how to use it.

Other alternatives include jing and camtasia.

URL Another video on how to use the Feedback activity

which you can use to create your exit survey

URL Distance Education Tools Course Wiki

my summer course has links to several resources

URL Other Web 2.0 tools

like social bookmarking sites (like diigo), or sites that let you build professional communities (like ning.com), or sites like twitter or facebook.

URL Other resources on using video or screencasts

from my summer course

Week 11: Features of Good Online Courses/Training URL Google Docs Notes on Statistics Courses

your thoughts

URL Online Statistics Book

online textbook for learning statistics

URL Sampling Demo

applet illustrating sampling

URL CAST: Computer-Assisted Statistics Textbook (chap. 7)

see chapter 7 of the introductory book linked here


the main site is at:  http://cast.massey.ac.nz/collection_public.html

URL HyperStat: Sampling Distributions

hypertext textbook

URL Wikipedia page on Sampling

sampling in statistics

URL Sampling Knowledgebase

see also the other sampling tutorial

URL Sampling Tutorial

from a web-based resource on social science research methods

URL SOCR: Statistics Online Computational Resource

it's hard to find info on sampling here though

URL Sampling Applet

from the SOCR project

URL HippoCampus: Statistics
URL OLI Statistics Course

from the Open Learning Initiative

See this research on its effectiveness:


URL Measuring the Effectiveness of the OLI statistics course

research paper

URL Statistics Video 1

video of a class lecture

URL Statistics Video 2

another video where population is described

URL Khan Academy Statistics Videos

very popular videos

URL Salman Khan TED Talk

interesting talk about what the Khan Academy is doing

URL Summary of contrasting cases

blog post about contrasting cases

Week 13: E-Learning Evaluation URL Wikipedia article on Evaluation

good summary of the main points and issues

URL Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation

some have argued for a 5th level, see


URL Evaluation of eLearning for Best Practice Course

a free course

URL Evaluation Cookbook

a list of different evaluation techniques

URL Interactive Learning Systems Evaluation Resources

resources for another course on evaluation

URL Instructional Product Evaluation Resources

resources for another course on evaluation - of instructional products

URL CCLI Evaluation Planning Resources

see the checklist in particular

URL Evaluation Plan Checklist (for grant proposals)

I use OERL's evaluation plan resources when I write grant proposals

URL Multimedia Evaluation Resources

a bit out of date now, but I believe they are working on a new edition of this book

URL Multimedia for Learning Chapter Summaries

multimedia learning is the main topic for the rest of the semester.

This is a great book on the topic, but it is very out of date now

URL Nick Eastmond's Research for the Classroom Teacher course materials

Evaluation and research have quite similar goals.  Nick Eastmond teaches online courses in both - I recommend taking one of them if you can.

URL Rubric for Online Instruction

" This site is designed to answer the question being asked: What does a high quality online course look like? It is our hope that instructors and instructional designers will use this site to learn more about the Rubric for Online Instruction, and be able to view examples of exemplary courses that instructors have done in implementing the different components of the rubric."

URL Instructional Consultation

Resources and forms for doing instructional consulting

URL Instructional consulting in engineering education

A fuller article (no figures though) is here:  http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3886/is_200810/ai_n31110722/

URL Instructional consulting at U. Washington

more resources on instructional consulting

Week 14: Multimedia Learning, Simulations, Games URL Notes from class session

Sorry, I forgot to videorecord our speakers, but here are some notes on what we discussed

URL Multimedia Learning Cheatsheet

25 guiding principles, from U. Memphis

URL Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning

from eschoolnews

URL MERLOT: Database of multimedia materials


URL More multimedia learning & authoring resources

from my distance education tools course

URL Course redesign resources

Multimedia, and blended learning, is a key component

URL Video resources

Resources on using youtube and other video services in education

URL Student Perceptions of Instructor-Made Videos

The rise in online education, coupled with research suggesting the influence of instructor-learner interaction and frequency of student engagement with course materials on academic outcomes, highlight the need for innovative ways to keep the online learner connected to the course. This article describes results from a study conducted to examine students’ perceptions about the use of instructor-made videos that provided explanations of course assignments, syllabus requirements, discussed weekly topics, reviewed for exams, and answered student questions in video format in both a 100% online course and in several face-to-face courses. Student perceptions of this instructional strategy were overwhelmingly positive, with all of the students surveyed expressing satisfaction with this method of instructor-learner interaction. Open-ended answers revealed that students felt more connected to the instructor when able to view instructor-made videos. Descriptive results are provided for both the 100% online course and the face-to-face courses on variables related to frequency of viewing videos, purpose of videos viewed, and perceptions about the videos in regard to their experience with the course. Recommendations are also provided for online instructors interested in employing this teaching technique.

URL More resources on Video

from my distance education tools course

URL Review of research on simulations

chapter I wrote

URL Which comes first the simulation or the lecture?

A: the simulation

Having an open ended or exploratory activity FIRST (like in problem-based learning) leads to better learning than lecturing first.

URL Simulations: Are they games?

Prensky article

URL Gas Box Simulation


example of a simulation

Look at how the man on the left "embodies" pressure, by having to push harder on the box wall - this exemplifies #2 in the cheat sheet: perceptual-motor grounding.  You take an abstract concept like pressure and try to represent it in a concrete or embodied way.

URL Review of research on games

Microsoft report

URL Games, Learning, Society (GLS) conference proceedings

yearly conference on the topic of using games in education

URL Good Video Games and Good Learning

James Paul Gee

URL Simulations & Games for Education Course

just the readings (references)

URL Electric Field Hockey


Example game.

This is a good example of games vs. simulations.

One isn't necessarily or inherently better than the other.

See this paper that compared game vs. non-game versions of electric field hockey:


URL Virtual Worlds in Education summary


URL Lisa Dawley on instructional design in virtual worlds

summary of a talk

URL OpenSim

open source alternative to Second Life or (the older) ActiveWorlds

URL FernSeed

opensim project at USU

URL ScienceSim

hosted opensim sites for education and science

URL Second Life

free multiuser virtual world software

URL ISTE in Second Life

nice resources for teachers in second life

guided tours, etc.

AECT is also in second life:  http://www.aect.org/Secondlife/default.asp

and see Lisa Dawley's EDTECH island:  http://edtechisland.wetpaint.com/

URL SLOODLE: Second Life + Moodle

integrating the two


3D in the browser

need Chrome or Firefox browser

URL KataSpace - Multi-user 3D in browser

first MUVE (multi-user virtual environment) that works in the browser with no plugins

need chrome or firefox browser

by KataLabs: http://www.katalabs.com/blog/

Week 16: Final Multimedia Presentations URL Project management software

Description of the qualities and characteristics of different types of project management software, along with criticisms, too.

Microsoft Project is the traditional solution, but I might recommend checking out web-based options that let multiple people login and use it together.

URL Comparison of project management software

Comparison of different software options

Again, I might recommend checking out web-based alternatives

And, more expensive doesn't mean better

URL Zoho Projects

free, web-based project management tool

URL OpenProj: Free, open source alternative to Microsoft Project

they also have a web-hosted version I believe

URL Alternatives to Basecamp

Basecamp is a pretty popular web-based project management site

It does cost money though

This site lists various alternatives

URL Project Management Knowledge Base

Huge dictionary/database of project management terms/knowledge

URL Project Management Quick Tips - Lesson 1 Video

video course on project management

URL Project Management Quick Tips - Lesson 2 Video

part 2

URL Project Management Quick Tips - Lesson 3

part 3