
[[sectionname]] Assignments Due date Submission Grade
Week 1: Getting Setup & Job Interview Register for moodle account, setup profile Monday, 17 January 2011, 12:25 PM
Week 2: Beginning Moodle Projects Create your own moodle space Friday, 28 January 2011, 1:30 AM
Topic for your moodle project Friday, 4 February 2011, 1:30 AM
Week 3: Constructivist Instructional Design 2 posts in constructivism discussion forum Friday, 4 February 2011, 1:30 AM
Week 5: Problem-Based Learning Blog about converting your topic into a problem or scenario Friday, 18 February 2011, 2:00 AM
Week 6: Backward Design Blog about stage 1 and 2 of backward design for your moodle project Friday, 25 February 2011, 1:30 AM
Week 7: Assessment Create assessment activity in your moodle course Thursday, 3 March 2011, 9:05 PM
Week 10: Learning Activities & Multimedia for your Moodle Project Finish Moodle Project Friday, 8 April 2011, 3:30 AM
Week 13: E-Learning Evaluation Leave feedback in exit survey of at least 3 other courses Friday, 15 April 2011, 1:00 AM
Week 14: Multimedia Learning, Simulations, Games Post-Mortem Blog Post Friday, 6 May 2011, 1:00 AM
Multimedia Project Friday, 6 May 2011, 1:00 AM