Mumbai Man is Setting Up Low-Cost Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Schools!
Subhajit Mukherjee, the founder of city-based NGO, Mission Green Mumbai, has found a cost-effective solution to the problem of rainwater wastage using PVC pipes and a water drum.
Source: The Better India, July 10, 2019
4. Cost
The cost for the entire installation can range between Rs 2,500 to 5,000 based on the availability of resources and labour required, in a lot of spaces where drums and pipes are available, it is done for free, says Mukherjee.

“But when we are installing these pits in schools, I do involve some labour, because I don’t want children to pick up the drum. Sometimes, when the school doesn’t have a drum, I shell money from my pocket,” he says.
In a final message to citizens, Mukherjee says, “It is indeed unfortunate that we have huge towers in the city, but we fail to do something as simple as harvest rainwater every monsoon, that too in a place where it rains abundantly. As humans, water is the first element we are exposed to, like in the womb of our mothers. How can we not work towards conserving it? We need to conserve water in order to consume it. This system is easy to install and is much like creating a mini-well. We need to take ownership of the quality of life that we deserve. This is one way of doing it.”
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