Introduction to using the Gradebook.
1. Gradebook
The Gradebook will provide a recording of grades. The Gradebook within Moodle is extremely powerful. This is also an area of great debate amongst educational professionals. ATEP is focused on the delivery of powerful content for student learning and understands that the Feasibility Teachers will be working with existing grade book and Student Information System within the home school. Thus, the Moodle grade book will be simple and straight forward.
The Moodle Gradebook will provide an organized system of grades. Any quizzes that all multiple choice or discrete answers will be automatically scored and entered into the Moodle grade book. Any essays will need to be entered by the Feasibility Teacher.
The Moodle Gradebook will also provide feedback to students in an organized manner.
Only teachers will see a full grade book. Students will only see their grades.
To Open the Gradebook:
Use the Administration block and open Course administration.
Clicking on the Grades link will take you to the Gradebook.